Sports Action Pics

Sports Action Photos   Click Below to View Our Galleries       Advanced Tech Academy   Allen Park High School        Cabrini High School    Trenton High...
Maria’s Senior Session

Maria’s Senior Session

Maria’s Senior Session Meet Maria, one of our seniors. For her session, she chose one of our classic grey and black shimmery backgrounds. For a specialized senior shoot like Maria, book your session at Studio One Photography in...
Mea’s Senior Session

Mea’s Senior Session

Meet Mea, one of our stunning seniors that was looking for an innovative session. Look no further than Studio one, where you can choose unique styles like Mea such as our flower wall and graffiti background. For a specialized senior shoot like Mea, book your session...
Jaylen’s Senior Session

Jaylen’s Senior Session

Jaylen Fields Meet Jaylen, one of our Allen Park seniors. For his session, he chose the unique white door background as well as the high key background. He also decided to incorporate his track uniform to show off his talents and passions. For a specialized senior...
Sophia’s Senior Session

Sophia’s Senior Session

Sophia Ferris Meet Sophia, one of our beautiful seniors. For her session, she chose one of our flower walls to show off her chic style. She also decided to incorporate a formal dress against our high key background for a more classic look. For a specialized senior...